A study found that couples who begin their relationship on the internet have happier, healthier marriages. This doesn’t mean that you should stop meeting with people in person. You’ll eventually need to meet your partner. You can still polish your profile online to make it easier for someone also interested in marriage. Many dating sites offer blogs […]
Breakups can be difficult. My own experience has shown that they can be more difficult if you cannot pinpoint the exact reason why a relationship failed. You may have experienced a connection (or a series of links) where there were no obvious warning signs or red flags, but still, something didn’t feel right. It can […]
Many of us are engaged, which means that we focus most of our attention (if not the entire amount of it) on wedding planning. You can easily get caught up in the fairytale element of Wedding Planning and forget that you’re also merging your lives with your partner. As a psychotherapist in San Francisco, I support […]
The Christmas holiday is fast approaching, and you’re preparing your out-of-office notification. For many, this means that they will be traveling to see their family. It can be a traumatic experience to join a group of family members. Why do you think it’s a good idea? Finally, I learned that I did not have to. […]
The end of the year is finally here when we can look forward to cherished moments, such as home-baked holiday treats and timeless family customs. We also anticipate gift-giving circles. The holidays are a time to spend with family and friends and enjoy the joyous atmosphere. But it’s also a time when many people ask you questions […]
The holidays are a wonderful time to spend with family and friends, and that includes your partner. The holiday season should be a time to enjoy with the people you love, not a stressful experience. This is especially true when it’s your first holiday with a partner. Your relationship could be strained or strengthened by stress […]
Conversations are a great way to build real human connections, whether you’re trying to maintain existing relationships or create new ones. Having meaningful conversations will help us learn and process our experiences together. It can be difficult to move beyond the usual “How are You?” question. “How Are You?” can often feel overwhelming. We say, […]
We’re quickly approaching the most wonderful–yet chaotic–time of year, but sometimes even stuffing, turkey, and mistletoe are not enough to keep holiday stressors at bay. Finding time to connect with your partner between family dinners and travel plans can end up feeling like yet another item on the to-do list. But prioritizing your relationship shouldn’t be an afterthought, […]
First impressions may not be accurate, but they are a good way for others to form an opinion about us. The holidays can be a time of giving thanks and exchanging gifts. However, they can also bring anxiety, especially when you are meeting the family for the very first time. You don’t need to overthink things, […]
It’s not easy to navigate a separation while living together. But spoiler alert, you will survive it. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of unmarried couples living together has nearly tripled over the last two decades. You can see that we all have many relationships, and only one lasts a lifetime. If you add […]