
How to have a better relationship according to your Enneagram

Noemi J. Mullins

Let’s face it: Relationships are complicated. What’s the good news? The good news? The Enneagram helps us to be our most authentic and best selves while also better understanding our partners, regardless of how different they may be. The result is a deeper connection and mutual respect. Grab your partner, read this article to find out the differences, strengths, and motivations for each Enneagram personality type, and see where you fit.

They are good in relationships because they have an understanding of their priorities. Rarely will you meet a Type 1 who does not know what they want from a relationship and how you fit in with their other duties or identities. You can also expect Type Ones to be faithful, helpful, and dedicated when it comes to relationships.

One can be a perfectionist and overly critical of one partner. Type Ones need to be aware of their expectations and find a middle ground with their partner. Ask for what you need instead of expecting that your partner will do the dishes when you arrive home. This goes against everything you are as a Type 1, but unless they can read minds, there is no way that your partner will know what you expect.

The Helper does everything they can to help their family. They are great at making you feel appreciated and loved.

They often have difficulty meeting their own needs in a relationship because they are so focused on the needs of others. Ask for what you want instead of worrying about what your partner wants to eat or how they feel following a fight. This is the time to express your feelings and how you want them to support you. Relationships are two-way, and Twos often neglect their own needs because they’re so focused on the other person.

Talk to your partner about how they want to feel love (we suggest the Love Languages test). Ask your partner how they want to be loved (we offer you take the Love Languages Test). You can then give them what they want.

You may be familiar with the Love Languages. Threes are almost always made to feel loved by affirmation. It’s important to them that their partner is proud, no matter how big or small the achievement may be. Love to feel appreciated, and as a result, Threes enjoy giving to their partner.

They often take this attitude into their relationships because they place so much value on their careers. When you talk about work at dinner, are absentminded while you’re with your partner, or put your stress from work on them, your partner may feel that they’re less important than your career. Create work-free time with your partner to combat this. In the same way, some of us can be with our phones (guilty); the Threes are often that way when it comes to their careers. You can give yourself two hours to occupy your partner while you are out for dinner or catching up with Bridgerton. Play only.

In relationships, fours are known to be playful, fun, and spirited. They love to try new things and share their passion and creativity with others. They tend to be emotional and know who they are. This means that they are romantic and intuitive in relationships. Love notes, gifts, and cards are sent to loved ones, and they love it when their partner compliments them on their creativity. ).

A Four can sometimes be overbearing in a relationship. They are moody, and they have trouble separating their feelings from their daily lives. A Four needs to let their partner know that they’re not to blame for their emotions. Fours don’t like to be called overdramatic or told that they are overreacting. It is important to open up with your partner and share your feelings instead of keeping them hidden. You don’t need to feel alone!

The Fives are always ready with information to help them make decisions. They are natural teachers who carefully observe and analyze their environment before speaking or committing. They take the time to understand and process their emotions, unlike Fours. This can lead a partner to believe that they are uninterested in a relationship or have no conflicts. They are curious and enjoy learning, which makes them great for intellectual dates such as visiting new exhibitions, libraries, museums, and other events in your town.

Fives may appear withdrawn, irritable, or contentious with their partner in their quest for information. They are introverts and like to be alone. However, if their partner is always trying to push them outside of their comfort zone, they may become frustrated. Create times to talk about your life with your partner without judgment. Your partner is interested in what you are learning or what interests you, so do not be afraid to talk about your current project. You’ll find that they love this side of you as well!

Sixes are known for their commitment and long-term relationships. They are loyal and happy to know that their relationships will be safe and secure. They’re both introverted and outgoing, making them easy to get to know but also fun to be around. A Six is responsible and feels guilty if they don’t fulfill their duty to help others. The Six is also independent and can do their own thing without worrying about their partner.

Others can trust Sixes, but they are not always so dependent on themselves. In relationships, this can cause them to appear nervous, self-conscious, and even defensive. It’s hard to trust someone at first. But confidence in your relationship and yourself will help you get there. Spend time each day building your confidence. You cannot be your best self with a partner when you are constantly worried about how you appear or whether they like you. (You look fantastic, and yes, they do!) Allowing yourself to be vulnerable can help you build trust. Discuss your relationship insecurity with your partner.

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