
Why do we live intentionally?


Are you ever unable to be present at the moment and more mindful of what is happening? Instead, you become entangled in your thoughts and live in fear.

Are you prone to living your life on auto-pilot, going through the motions but not knowing where you want it to take you?

Are you still feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and overwhelmed when you try to incorporate self-care into your daily life?

You may know that you want to make positive changes.

If any of these statements resonate with you, you should learn how to live an intentional lifestyle.

You are bombarded with advertisements every day that tell you how you live, how you dress, how you think, and how you be ….. It is no wonder that we sometimes feel like our heads spin.

Learning the art of intentional Living allows you to step back and focus on what is important to you.

Six years ago, I began to be more intentional in my life and have not looked back.

It has brought peace to my daily life. It has helped me focus on the things I can control.

What is Intentional Living?

This is it: Intentional Living is a lifestyle that brings more awareness to your daily life.

– Intentional Living means that you can learn to turn off the ‘autopilot mode’ and make conscious decisions that align with your core values, dreams, and definitions of happiness.

A holistic, wholehearted approach to living a more intentional lifestyle is essential to be able to “BE” every day. It connects you to your body, mind, emotions, spirit, and personal energy – helping you live a happier, more fulfilled, and more joyful life.

Intentional Living means focusing on what you can control and not what you cannot. This allows you to relax, let go of worry and anxiety, and instead tune into the moment.

Intentional Living is about being the best version of yourself. It’s about how you show up every day for your future and present self. It involves making conscious decisions and taking the right actions to create the life you want.


You prioritize your time at work, your hair, your kids’ activities, and your favorite TV show ….. It is important to choose to invest in your mental health consciously. You have the power to make choices in life. By investing in yourself, you can empower your self-awareness journey.


The first step in making changes in your life is awareness. To live a more intentional lifestyle, you need to pause and be aware of what is not serving you. You can begin to be more intentional by bringing awareness to the things you love and changing what you don’t like about your life. You are the only one who can make a difference in your life. How will you know what to do? This is why I recommend a journaling exercise.


Intentional Living does not mean that you have to ‘improve’ or change yourself. It’s about aligning with your deepest values and what truly matters to you. Your perfect self is already there. You may need to take stock of your life to see where you might be out of tune with who you are and how you show up every day. Learning self-compassion is a powerful tool to change your perspective and help you live a more intentional lifestyle.


Did you ever sit down and think about your life goals? This is not about what your parents or social media told you. What I mean is sitting down and deciding what you want. Every person on this planet will have a different view of this. Many of us are too focused on what we should want rather than taking the time to determine what we WANT in our lives. You will naturally be more deliberate in your daily choices to get closer to your Dream Life than if you don’t.


These are great ideas that I hear all the time, but they can be difficult to implement. There can be resistance when you make changes in your life. Our brains are wired to protect us. Our brains tend to push back when we change our routines and challenge our beliefs. This is normal. This is normal. Keep taking small, intentional steps every day. Give yourself time to reflect and to be. You are planting seeds by reading this right now. Give yourself time to nurture them.

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